Well, you certainly aren't alone in noticing this. In fact, there's a whole thread on the forum dedicated to it. If you're interested in reading up on it, check out this url.
Thanks for the info man, I guess I should of checked the forums first. I am glad though that this is a well known trend and not just a few isolated incidents
Well, you certainly aren't alone in noticing this. In fact, there's a whole thread on the forum dedicated to it. If you're interested in reading up on it, check out this url.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/919986">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9 19986</a>
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the info man, I guess I should of checked the forums first. I am glad though that this is a well known trend and not just a few isolated incidents